“Raga Chromesthesia 2015”


Chromesthesia is a form of synesthesia in which perceived sounds are transformed into an experience of color. In this one word I find sound and visual language united.

In this performance I'm trying to simulate this experience, combining live music with immersive virtual reality environments. The sound of live musicians is a guiding aid that lets the viewer float through an immersive visual soundscape.


“Heavenly Reality 2014”

In this wearable installation the blurry line between the virtual, spiritual and the physical is being explored. By putting on the mask the viewer becomes a kind of shaman, being able to tap into a world not perceivable by others. In this way I tried to put the technology into a ritualistic context. Just like the rites of passage we see in tribal African cultures, where the participants are wearing masks, so is the virtual space a liminal space and is the participant initiated into a new virtual reality.   

“Entrance 2014”

“Trance Chambre 2014”